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Hi, I'm Lisa I enjoy juggling work, volunteerism, and mommy duties.

I am saving the lives of children in Baltimore City, activating children and their families to take on leadership roles in their community. I was born and raised in Baltimore City. I am 1 of 5 children, my siblings always called me my mom's twin.
Life was not always easy for me as a 12-year-old runaway on the road but the struggles I endured as a child made me into the powerful leader I am today. Some may think my past is harsh but without me living in the past I wouldn't have the passion inside to change the future.
I went from victim to VICTORIOUS and I'm free I'm so happy I'm free. Everything I was told I couldn't be, I became. I was against all odds but the passion I have for children transitioned me into an opportunity for my community.
When I first started my nonprofit I gave up what could have turned into a six-figure income to help others. I didn't know what came across me but I knew something in my community had to change and I knew with my determination I was the one who had to help make that change and bring resources and opportunity to my community.
My career has taken off in a field I love and adore. Not being able to bare children was one of my greatest challenges I've ever had to face, now so working without pay didn't bother me as much and now I understand why. My God-son was placed in my life when he was just 1 years old he is 20 in 2020, he needed a mommy and I yearned a child, now we are inseparable. Helping children to life map, create career opportunities, and take on leadership roles to create positive and meaningful change has been the difference between life and death for some of the children lives I have changed. I work with youth as young as five years old. I was honored by City Government 3 times in the last 2-years of me being a philanthropist as a VOLUNTEER peace advocate. A financial literacy curriculum I developed helped me to increase my business revenue as a 10 year self employed business owner this was just the information I needed to succeed and I want to share it with you, Lets increase your chances of doubling income doing work you love to do most. It's not too late for you. If I can change, anyone can change. Turn your challenges into opportunity and I can show you how.
Equality Meets Opportunity
Transforming low-income people from becoming challenging to an opportunist.